Unbundled Legal Services

You may prefer to hire us on a limited basis to help with one specific issue in your case. This is referred to as unbundled legal services.

This route may work better for you if you are trying to minimize costs in an uncontested divorce. Other times, it may help resolve one remaining contested issue. With unbundled legal services, you do not pay a retainer. You are charged hourly for the services you use.

At Danielsen Westhoff, PC, our lawyers are dedicated to providing legal services to those who might otherwise not be served. We have provided unbundled legal services to countless clients in Broomfield.

Examples Of How We Can Help

Colorado courts are coping with increasing numbers of self-represented parties. Failing to obtain attorney review can lead to lots of problems that the court is not in a position to correct. Our attorneys can step in to help in a limited manner that is more affordable.

The unbundled legal services we can provide include:

  • Coaching for an upcoming mediation
  • Preparation assistance for divorce, legal separation or child custody hearings
  • Drafting financial disclosures
  • Researching case law that might affect legal issues in your case
  • Assisting with or reviewing court pleadings

These unbundled legal services can provide an alternative to traditional representation when you want to do it yourself, but need a little extra help.

Prevent Conflicts From Escalating

We are still here to help even if you do not need assistance with every aspect of your case.

Learn more about how we can help by coming in and speaking with one of our attorneys. Call 720-739-1770​ or send us a message to schedule an initial consultation today.