Broomfield Mediation Lawyer

Divorce is a complicated and emotionally filled process. Many couples find that mediation is an effective method to lessen the stress and costs of litigating a divorce. In fact, most Colorado courts now require that parties engage in mediation prior to a court hearing.

The Broomfield mediation attorneys at Danielsen Westhoff, PC believe that mediation is a worthwhile tool to use during a divorce proceeding to minimize the negative impact on families that divorce litigation can create. If you are looking for a mediator to assist you and your spouse or co-parent in a family law case, our Broomfield divorce lawyers can help. With years of experience handling a variety of family law cases, we will help you and your spouse imagine and create solutions to the unique issues in your case. We will help you come to agreements that meet both of your interests.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Contact the lawyers of Danielsen Westhoff, PC, at (720) 649-4876 for more information on our mediation services.