When Does Alimony Occur?

When spouses pursue a divorce, an imbalance of finances between the two parties is a frequent issue. For example, one party may be the breadwinner, while the other is a stay-at-home parent. While this arrangement may be agreeable for the spouses during their marriage, this may no longer be enough to support the lesser-earning spouse following a divorce.

Alimony provides financial support to prevent spouses from being completely financially dependent. It can help the spouse who is earning less money support themselves. However, alimony is not awarded in every case where the spouses do not make the exact same amount of money. Check out the details below to learn about when alimony may occur and the specific types of alimony you may be eligible to pursue.

Factors That May Grant You Alimony Payments

If you are pursuing divorce from your spouse but know your financial status is different from your spouse’s, you may be concerned about receiving alimony payments. Alimony is more commonly referred to as spousal maintenance under Colorado law. Read on to learn more about the specific types of alimony you may be due.

Bridge-the-Gap Alimony

In some situations, you may not need significant amounts of alimony, nor do you need a long-term spouse with maintenance. Bridge-the-gap alimony, or temporary spousal maintenance under Colorado Revised Statutes Section 14-10-114, provides up to two years of spousal maintenance that helps you complete the transition from married to single, with the many expenses that may come with this. For example, you may need separate housing, transportation, and other major expenses that can add up as you navigate this area.

Rehabilitative Alimony

You may not have worked for some time due to your relationship, but following your divorce, you need to update your skills to pursue employment. Rehabilitative alimony covers your needs during this time as you pursue independence. Typically, this alimony plan comes with a plan when the award is issued to cover the recipient’s needs as they pursue employment.

Durational Alimony

In some cases, you may have been part of a long marriage that did not need long-term support through alimony, or your marriage may have lasted for a short time. You may be eligible for durational alimony, which offers alimony for a set period of time. This may be granted in cases where some alimony is warranted, but permanent alimony is not an option.

Permanent Alimony

For long-term marriages or marriages where one spouse is unable to provide for themselves, permanent spousal maintenance can provide that necessary financial support. For example, if you have a disability that impacts your ability to work, permanent alimony can provide support for this condition. This alimony option lasts for the duration of your life, so consider your choice carefully, depending on your specific needs.

When Will I Receive My Alimony Payments?

When you need alimony payments, you may be concerned about getting them as soon as possible. After all, your bills do not stop simply because you are in the middle of a divorce proceeding. Fortunately, your spousal maintenance payments should start quickly, as long as the other party does not request you modify or end the support you receive.

Your alimony payments may often start on the date the order was issued. That means your payments should be coming shortly after the plan is approved. However, in some cases, the court may also order retroactive payment for needed expenses before your current plan.