When Does Alimony Occur?

When spouses pursue a divorce, an imbalance of finances between the two parties is a frequent issue. For example, one party may be the breadwinner, while the other is a stay-at-home parent. While this arrangement may be agreeable for the spouses during their marriage, this may no longer be enough to support the lesser-earning spouse…

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What is a Prenup and How Does it Work During Divorce? 

When planning to get married, signing a prenuptial agreement or prenup may be part of your planning process. For some, a prenuptial agreement can feel distrustful of your spouse, or it may feel as though you are preparing for divorce before you are married. However, a prenuptial agreement can provide certain safeguards and protections for both spouses,…

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Split Custody: Will the Court Split Up My Children?

Several factors determine child custody arrangements in Colorado. However, the ultimate deciding factor in the court’s custody decision is the children’s best interests. The following outlines child custody decisions in Colorado and how the best interests of the child standard could affect a sibling custody arrangement. For case-specific information, speak with an experienced Broomfield child…

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