Why is shared custody usually good for kids?

Shared custody, also known as joint custody, is a custody arrangement wherein both parents share responsibility for raising and making decisions for their children. Whether shared custody is better for kids than sole custody depends the specific circumstances of each family.

There are situations that warrant sole custody, as the best interests of a child may be better served by this arrangement when extremes in a family dynamic mean that shared custody is ill-advised. However, for the most part, shared custody tends to be preferable as it is usually beneficial for kids.

How shared custody can benefit (most) kids

Shared custody allows children to maintain close and meaningful relationships with both parents. This consistent involvement of both parents can contribute to the child’s emotional well-being, sense of security and stability. It provides opportunities for children to develop strong bonds with both parents and have a sense of belonging.

In shared custody arrangements, children have the opportunity to benefit from the unique strengths, values and perspectives of both parents. Each parent brings their own parenting style and experiences, contributing to a more dynamic upbringing. Children may learn different life skills, values and cultural aspects from each parent, fostering their overall development.

Additionally, when parents actively engage in co-parenting and demonstrate effective communication and cooperation, they provide a positive model for their children. This can help children develop skills in conflict resolution, communication and cooperation.

Shared custody may not be suitable or practical for all families. Factors such as distance, parental ability to cooperate and the child’s specific needs and preferences should be considered when determining the most appropriate custody arrangement. The best interests of the child should always be the guiding principle in making custody decisions, and it may be helpful to seek legal guidance to better ensure that any particular arrangement reflects a child’s best interests.