3 ways to protect your privacy in a divorce

As a married couple, you will have shared a lot. Now that you are divorcing, you likely do not want to share much at all.

There are several steps you should take to reduce your spouse’s access to your personal details during the divorce. Otherwise, they could seek information to try and use against you.

1. Change all your passwords

Your phones or laptops may hold onto login details you never realized they had. It takes seconds to change a password, and doing so guarantees your spouse cannot make use of any access you had once given them, whether knowingly or not.

2. Move toward individual accounts

You cannot just freeze your spouse out of a shared bank account or credit card. Instead, you should both move to use individual ones and close the joint ones. Doing so gives you total control of your spending and prevents you from picking up the tab for your spouse’s drunken night out or consolation shopping trip. It also reduces the chances your spouse can hold your spending against you. For example, if they see you just upgraded your cell phone to the latest model, they may use that to tell a judge you can afford more child support than you say you can.

3. Stay off social media

This is good advice for anyone going through a divorce. Your emotions may be all over the place, and you might end up posting something you regret or worse, something your spouse uses against you in court.

Seeking legal help to handle your divorce efficiently allows you to move on and begin a new life sooner.