Making long-distance co-parenting successful

Child custody matters are typically easiest if parents live in the same geographical area. Things become considerably more complex when they live a great distance from each other. Co-parents who are dealing with a long-distance situation need to think carefully about what type of parenting plan they’re going to create.

There are a few factors that you need to think about when you’re in this position. All of these work together to ensure the children have an environment they can thrive in.

Be consistent but flexible

Consistency is important but you can’t be so firm on what’s supposed to happen that you aren’t flexible. Travel arrangements and other factors can change without notice when you’re dealing with a long-distance situation. Being understanding and flexible can help the children to cope with situations without having a lot of stress. This is a valuable skill that can help them as they grow up, and it’s one you can teach them by modeling it to them.

Emphasize communication

One of the best ways for the long-distance parent to build and keep a bond with the child is to communicate often. Consider video chats since the parent and child can both see each other. This also enables them to do a variety of activities with each other, such as reading books and playing games.

The parenting plan is the backbone of your co-parenting relationship. All the terms you agree to with your co-parent should be put in this document so there’s no question about what’s going to happen. Ideally, you’ll be able to get this situated shortly after the split. Working with someone who can help you to come up with creative solutions that address your child’s needs is critical.