What is child support supposed to cover?

In Colorado, both parents will be expected to play an active role in the upbringing of the child, other than in extreme circumstances. Not only does this mean caring for the child each day, taking them to school, sports clubs, etc, but there is also a financial aspect.

The family court may award child support so that the financial needs of the child are always met. What is child support supposed to cover?

Basic needs

Raising a child can be extremely rewarding but it isn’t cheap. Children need somewhere to live. They also need clothes on their back and healthy nutrition every day. The family court will also demand that they continue attending school until they have reached the eligible leaving age. None of this is free, and child support payments go some way toward covering these basic needs.

Extra expenses

While it’s essential that the basic needs of the child are met, there is much more to it. Children should be able to engage in extracurricular activities, such as school trips and regular hobbies. As long as a parent is in a financial position to do so, then the court will demand that they make contributions to extracurricular activities.

Medical costs

If a child has medical conditions then both parents will be expected to contribute to medical bills. It is unfair for only one parent to carry this burden. Even if your child is perfectly healthy, at some point, they are going to require dental inspections and treatment. This can be expensive, and both parents will be expected to contribute.

If you feel like the amount of child custody you are paying or receiving is unfair given your current circumstances, then you may be able to apply for a modification. Being familiar with your legal rights will help you to obtain an equitable agreement.