How long does it take to divorce?

When you file for divorce, one of the first questions you may have is how long this process is going to take. People, generally don’t file for a divorce because they’re happy with the situation they’re in, so hearing that a divorce may take many months or years can be upsetting and frustrating.

The truth is that how long your divorce takes will depend on various factors, such as if you can resolve your property division settlement or child custody arrangements without the court getting involved.

Divorces may be complex (and take longer because of it)

It’s reality that some divorces are more complex than others and could take longer because of that. Some common issues that arise during divorce include:

  • Spousal support and if the lesser-earning spouse is entitled to it
  • Custody rights, and where your child will live
  • Parenting plans deciding on issues regarding how you raise your child
  • Property division and how you’ll divide your marital assets
  • Domestic violence and if one side needs a restraining order

It’s important for you to know that your divorce may take longer than others if you have children or complex assets. If you have a simpler marriage with few assets and can agree on how to divide them, then your divorce may only take a few months. Remember, to get a divorce in Colorado, you need to show that you or your spouse have lived in the state for at least 91 days before filing for divorce.

What can you do to speed up your divorce?

Certain aspects of your divorce will always take longer, such as living in the state long enough to file. However, if you want to speed up issues like agreeing on custody or determining spousal support, you may want to look into alternative dispute resolution or negotiating with your attorney’s support. If you and your spouse are able to negotiate a settlement, then you will be able to settle your case much sooner, and for less money, than if you were to wait to go to trial. That’s something to keep in mind as you begin working on the divorce process.