How Colorado can help you collect your unpaid child support

Colorado law makes it clear that parents have rights, but those rights come with extensive parental responsibilities. When you divorce the other parent of your children, the courts have to decide how to split up those parental rights and responsibilities.

Sometimes, if you get more parenting time, your ex will have an obligation to pay child support. Those payments can help you pay for everything from new shoes and sports equipment to rent and medical care.

Unfortunately, not all parents are diligent in their fulfillment of parental responsibilities. Your ex could fall behind on child support or even stop paying it altogether. What happens when you aren’t getting the support the court ordered for your children?

Parents can ask the state to help enforce the order

If your ex hasn’t paid and has made it clear that they will not do so of their own volition, you may have to ask the state of Colorado to help you. The courts can apply multiple child support enforcement tools to your case, some of which may be more effective than others.

If you can locate an employer for your ex, the court can work directly with them to have the child support taken directly from paychecks before they go out. If you don’t have employment information or if your ex doesn’t have a standard job, enforcement efforts may need to be a little more creative.

The state can prevent your ex from renewing or obtaining a driver’s license or recreational license if they are in arrears with child support. The state can also intercept tax returns to help pay you some of the support owed. These efforts usually require that you speak up and take action to address the unpaid child support that you need. An experienced attorney can help.